Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Week 4 Learning Activities for ICT's

Learning Activity 1.

1-2. Think about your own education to date and develop a pyramid of the categories of your learning experiences. Compare with Dale's Cone:

My education:

  • Direct, purposeful experience (Least often learning experiences)

  • Hands on tasks

  • Field Trips

  • Television

  • Demonstrations
  • Recordings, Radio and Still Pictures

  • Dramatised Experiences

  • Reading books
  • Visual symbols

  • Verbal Experiences

  • Copying off board (Most common learning experiences)

Dales Cone:

  • Verbal Experiences

  • Visual Symbols

  • Recordings, Radio and Still Pictures

  • Motion Pictures

  • Television

  • Exhibits

  • Field Trips

  • Demonstrations

  • Dramatised Experiences

  • Contrived Experience

  • Direct, Purposeful Experiences

3. What does Technology offer that could change the learning design in education from a teacher-centred to student-centric paradigm?

My education was very teacher-centred. Verbal experiences were used a lot as were 'chalk and talk' by copying things off the board. My educational experience was nearly opposite to Dale's Cone which is unfortunate. Although education at a university level is quite different. We were so dependant on the teachers at school and almost robotically copied notes off the board, that was mostly the extent of our learning. Technologies offer a whole new and exciting realm for the classroom. Technologies are a must in order to keep up to date and informed in the current age, therefore would be essential to students learning. Technologies are relevant to students as they are living in a modern technological time. technology in the classroom should engage students better and enhance their learning experience as the students should find it interesting. A mixture of teaching approached mixed with the use of technology in the classroom is more exciting for students and will certainly help them retain knowledge better than a chalk and talk approach. Personally it seems technology is education today is a must.

Learning Activity 2.

1-3. Professional Blog URL address:

Learning Activity 3.

Beyond School Blog:

The Beyond School Blog was very interesting and insightful. It focuses on how to incorporate technology into the classroom to gain trust from your students and also that we are learning all the time and never stop learning. This site had so many links I could have spent hours going through it. Clay has done a really good job on this blog as it is very informative and gives lots of advise on how to incorporate and present many ways of technology in schools/class. There were many points to this blog including being enthusiastic about what you as a teacher teach. Students will pick up on your enthusiasm and be more inclined to become interested. They may also gain some form of trust with you, because of your enthusiasm they may think I need to know what is going to be taught. If a teacher is not enthusiastic and uninterested in what they are presenting the students will not see the relevance in it and become disengaged. Allowing students to use technologies such as google search engines or a Blog shows you trust them to work with such technologies and to do what they are supposed to be doing on them. These types of technologies create an interactive environment for students to share their thoughts, findings and assessment. Also the students can check out their peers work and see what ideas they have of to possible source some inspiration. I think students would definitely become more engaged in the topic/subject from being encouraged to use these technological resources to research and approach their school work, rather then learning from a chalk and talk teaching approach.

Learning Activity 4.

I went to Google Reader and found the Blogs I'm following in Blogger have been added as subscriptions in Google Reader. I found I can manage my subscriptions in Reder without affecting my Follow List in Blogger. I am currently following 50 Blogs. To add a Blog to my Reading List all I have to do is click on 'Blogs I'm Following' tab under 'My Reading List' tab, on my Blog Dashboard. Then I click the 'Add' button in the bottom corner of my Reading List. At first I was thinking oh my god more things to do and wondered what to do and how it would all work out, but it's really quite simple.

Learning Activity 5.

Well I just set up my wiki on wetpaint and it seems to be a wonderful tool for communication and collaboration. So many peolpe can add to your page giving feedback, comments, pictures, videos and much more. I think it's a great way to build information on a specific topic. The wiki I created through wetpaint is called 'Vegorama'. As i was raised as a vegotarian I have loads of recepies and healthy food tips. I think it will be great for others to add their recepies and try out mine, and also list vegaterian cafes and restaurnats or a venue that makes a good vego dish. I have only just started it but feel quite excitied about it! My wiki address is

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