Tuesday, April 27, 2010

ICT's Week 6

PowerPoint Presentations

This week we looked at PowerPoint Presentations and Interactive Whiteboards. I think PowerPoint's are a good way to engage students in the classroom as it's different to just the teacher talking or writing on the board and it's colourful, although not too colourful as to distract the students. Bullet points are a great way to outline key words or topics while the speaker elaborates. Power points are prepared before the class and simply 'played' to the class. I think they are a great idea as there is no class time wasted writing information up on the board or drawing diagrams, the class time is used more efficiently. PowerPoint presentations are also a good idea for students to use for presenting their work/assignments and familiarising them with that style of technology.

Interactive Whiteboards

wow it's like these things have a mind or are real! After watching the video on interactive Whiteboards on the ICT's Moodle site I was quietly blown away. This is a step up in technology for the classroom and I think they could be great! Unfortunately I do not get the chance to use one on my Placement. I believe it would have been an eye opener being able to utilise one of these whiteboards in the classroom and better my technological knowledge also.


  1. I agree with your comments Kendal. I find to maximise my organisation I make full use of the notes section in Powerpoint so each slide has an explanation or example of what will be used. I've found in the past that if I build slides or groups of slides and create a library of my powerpoints, you can mix them up or pull pieces from past powerpoints to build new slideshows. I think this will be useful for me as a Primary Teacher particularly if I find myself moving around grades rather than being stagnant in one year level or one school.

    The interactive whiteboard technology is amazing - like you said, it is like they have their own brain! The children in the class where I am doing my Embedded Learning are in Year 5 and they get extremely enthusiastic to use the "Smartboard", mind you, they just about jump out of their chairs with enthusiasm to write on the old fashioned "whiteboard" too!

  2. Thank you for your comment Jus. That is a good idea about storing your powerpoints in a library form. I do agree if you are teaching many grades at school this would be a great way to pick and choose what you want that will be relevant for the year level being taught.

    That is great that your students are excited to use the old fashioned whiteboards as well as their 'smartboards'. I think this is a great way for them to keep in touch with a more traditional way of teaching while also connecting themselves with the technology of today!
